Preposisiones Por - Para



for -
in order to

Necesita una mesa para estudiar.
He needs the table to study.

Es un buen libro para leer.
It is a good book to read.

Quiero el dinero para ir al cine.
I want the money to go to the movies.

Fui a la tienda para comprar pan.
I went to the store to buy bread.

toward - for

Salimos para Europa.
We left for Europe.

Ven para acá.
Come over here.

DESTINATION in time, deadline

La composición es para el lunes.
The composition is due on Monday.


Hice la comida para ti.
I cooked the meal for you.

Escribí el resumen para la profesora de español.
I wrote the summary for the Spanish professor.


Juan trabaja para su hermano.
Juan works for his brother.

Daniel trabaja para Nieto y Cia.
Daniel works for Nieto & Co.

With the norm
for - considering

Para buenas películas no hay como este canal.
For good movies, there’s no channel like this one.

Para ser un extranjero, habla muy bien.
For (Considering he is) a foreigner, he speaks very well.



¿Por qué los quieres?
Why do you want it?


Los exámenes son corregindos por los profesores. The tests are corrected by professors.

El presidente es elegido por los votantes.
The President is chosen by voters.

by - per

Pagan por hora.
They pay by the hour.

El límite es sesenta y cinco kilómetros por hora.
The speed limit is fifty miles an hour.


Mi hermano pagó cinco mil dólares por el caballo. My brother paid five thousand dolars for the horse.


La clase es por aquí.
The class is around here.

Ellos trabajan por aquí.
They are working around here.

In space
By way of - through -
along, etc.

Yo siempre voy a Mendoza por Chile.
I always go to Mendoza by way of (through, via) Chile.

Caminamos por la playa toda la tarde.
We walked along the beach the whole afternoon.

Passage of time
For - in

Patricio trabajó aquí por varios (durante) meses.
Patricio worked here for several months.

Nos visita por la tarde.
She visits us in the afternoon.

In favor of

El pueblo votó por el candidato republicano.
The people voted for the Republican candidate.

Because of

Hago esto por mi hermano, no por mí.
I do this because of my brother, not me.

For -
for the sake of

Diviértanse por mí.
Enjoy for me.

Háganlo por sus padres.
Do it for your parents. Do it for your parents sake.

For -
in place of

Ayer Andrés trabajó por su hermano.
Andrés worked for (in place of) his brother yesterday.

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Compare los siguientes ejemplos

Este regalo es para tu hermano, no para ti.
This present is for your brother, not for you.

Se lo doy por respeto a la familia, no por amor a ti.
I'm giving it to him out of respect for the family, not out of liking for him.

Mañana nos vamos para el norte.
Tomorrow we're heading north.

No vamos por el sur sino por el norte.
We aren't going through the southern part, we're going through the north.

¿Para qué sirve este aparato?
What is this device good for?

¿Por qué compraste este aparato?
Why did you buy this gadget?

Juan: ¿para qué me llamas?
Why (to what end) do you call me?

Ana: para que me ayudes.
So you can (in order to) help me.

Pedro: ¿por qué me llamas?
Why (for what reason) do you call me?

María: Porque llegó una carta para ti.
Because (the reason is) there's a letter for you.

Todos sus hijos estudian para abogado.
All his children are studying to be lawyers.

Algunos van a la universidad sólo por divertirse.
Some go to the university just to have a good time.

Algunos estudian para no tener que trabajar.
Some study so they won't have to work

Por no trabajar, unos visten mal y a veces no comen.
Because they don't work, some dress badly and at times don't eat.

He trabajado incansablemente para descubrir la verdad.
I've worked tirelessly in order to discover the truth.

He trabajado incansablemente por descubrir la verdad.
I've worked tirelessly because I wanted to discover the truth.

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