Biology 141

Lewis & Clark College

Lecture 14
The dynamics of open vs closed populations

K.E. Clifton


For "closed populations", replenishment is often linked to local resource availability

This, in turn, may be influenced by population size.

When do you expect density dependence and when do you expect density independence in closed populations?


For "open populations", replenishment is related to patterns of production and dispersal.

What influences production?

What influences dispersal?


Limited supply may keep populations well below their carrying capacity.

The implications of "recruitment limitation"

For populations

For communities (more later)


How does longevity (survivorship) influence our thinking about recruitment limitation?


Implications for population persistence and thinking about local "extinctions"


Evidence from studies of coral reef fishes provide data on these topics.


Variation in "planktonic larval duration" (PLD) and biogeography


What else can otoliths tell us?

Bluehead wrasses along the coasts of St Croix.


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