Biology 141

Finish up biodiversity and the tree of life, plus, the anatomy of a scientific paper

K.E. Clifton

Lewis & Clark College




Continue thinking about biodiversity


The "Tree of Life" can be percieved in several ways:

a real "tree"

a more abstract, phylogenetic tree

a more detailed phylogenetic tree that gives a humbling perspective on where diversity lies taxonomically


Biodiversity is highest in tropical areas (low latitudes)


We've already talked about productivity and specialization


What about history and habitat structure?


What does sex have to do with all this?


Consider the costs and benefits of sex.


Increased variability in offspring vs. a two fold genetic cost


What happens in the food/sex/death game with the production of more variable offspring?


Finally a bit on how scientists communicate in written form: The anatomy of a scientific paper

There are two primary traditions for sharing information: written and oral

The parts of a paper (see your lab manual for another treatment of these ideas)

Title: informative, specific, but concise

Abstract: the whole paper in one brief paragraph


questions it must answer

its “shape”: starts broad, narrows its focus

ends with a precise statement of question and approach


information needed to replicate the study

background on sites or organism, maps, analysis


tables and figures convey information concisely, have specific formats

accompanying text guides readers through the figures/tables

some results are presented simply as sentences in text

dissecting the parts of a figure


answers the question: what do I think it all means?

Pulls all the results together to draw a conclusion

How do my results compare to those of others?

Explains the results in terms of the biology of the organisms

What new questions do these findings raise? How to investigate them?

Did anything go wrong?

Concluding paragraph: overall conclusion and its significance


thanking those who made the study possible: financially, mentoring, helping with research, allowing access to sites, writing of report

Literature Cited

complete citation for any paper, book, website referred to in paper, using proper format

Some rules of thumb/good advice

never pad a scientific paper: scientists prize conciseness

clear organization is a must

passive voice? No, active voice is clearer and more effective form of communication

Target Audience? Usually, other scientists interested in this issue. For your studies, audience = other beginning Biol students who haven’t taken Bio 141



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