SPANISH 102: Beginning Spanish

Spring 2008

Dr. Wendy Woodrich

Office Hours: Tuesday 12:30-2:00 p.m., Friday 2:00 - 3:30 pm, and by appt.
Office: Miller Bldg. 324 (3rd floor)
Phone: (768) 7428 or 7421 • E-mail:



• Course objectives: To learn basic communication skills in Spanish, with emphasis on oral proficiency. To understand diverse Hispanic culture of Latin America, Spain, and United States. To prepare students for LC overseas programs to Spanish-speaking countries, and to prepare students for the increasing need for bilingual and culturally-sensitive personnel in a variety of fields.

• Course prerequisite: Spanish 101, LC Spanish Placement Test, or equivalent.

• Class meeting times: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 12:40 - 1:40 a.m., Miller 305. Work in the ILC (Keck Interactive Learning Center -- Miller 211) will be conducted in your time outside of class.

• Final exam: Wednesday, May 7, 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. (without exceptions).

• Texts/materials:

Puntos de partida: An Invitation to Spanish. 7th edition (Knorre,
• Textbook
• Workbook
• Laboratory Manual
¡Mala suerte! (González Vela et. al.)
English Grammar for Students of Spanish (Spinelli) Highly recommended

• Grades vs CR/NC: Because this class fulfils an LC general course requirement, it is only offered for a grade. In the rare instance that you take it CR/NC, credit will be given only for a grade of C or better.


• Participation. You are encouraged and indeed required to participate orally in class, since learning a language requires practice in the same way that learning to play a musical instrument does. The quantity and quality of your participation depends on your preparation, so don't hinder the progress of your classmates by failing to study before class. The methodology of this course is based on developing oral proficiency -- the ability to get a message across to a listener and understand what he or she says in response. Time in the classroom will be devoted to developing oral communication skills, and you will be expected to take an active role in all activities. You must speak Spanish at all times in the classroom!!

• Attendance: Because practice is so important for learning a language, attendance in class is obligatory and will be monitored and recorded. Three absences due to illness or emergencies are allowed without affecting your grade, but each subsequent absence will lower your overall average by 3%. You must notify me of any absence, excused or otherwise, as soon as possible.

• ¡OJO!: You must notify me beforehand if you must miss an exam due to emergency or illness (no other excuses accepted). If you fail to do so, the grade for the exam will be F. Homework will not be accepted beyond the date it is due.

Homework and preparation: You are expected to spend at least two hours studying outside of class for every hour in class. All assignments are announced on our day-by day class program, accessed here or from the link at the top of this page. You must check the program often, and are responsible for all work and announcements appearing there. After you have written your assigned homework and studied assigned material, continue to review vocabulary and grammar structures which you will need to make class time as productive as possible. Practice in the lab with computer programs, DVDs and videos.

• Workbook: You are required to do all the exercises in the Workbook that correspond to the chapter we are studying in Puntos. The Workbook and Laboratory Manual will be handed in on the day of the chapter tests (please separate pages and staple them before class). Correct your answers beforehand with the key in the back, using a different color of ink to show your changes. Workbooks that are not self-corrected will receive no credit. Specific exercises will be used in class or assigned for daily homework. Bring the workbook to class along with your textbook.

• Language Lab: Interactive Learning Center: Besides completing exercises in the Workbook, you will be listening to audiofiles for each chapter. Access the material from a computer in the language lab or from any other computer on campus (access the ILC here). You must complete all exercises in the Lab Manual which correspond to the chapter we are working on in class. It is expected that this will require at least an hour per week. If you are unfamiliar with the lab, Lindsay Saperstone (director) or one of the student assistants will show you how to access the audio files. The lab contains a variety of supplementary Spanish audio material for review and further study.

• Exams and Quizzes: There will be an exam over each chapter as we complete it during the semester, plus a final exam. You can expect in-class quizzes and graded exercises as well. Some of these will be announced beforehand, others not. Be prepared!


• Homework: Your homework, lab manual and workbook are mandatory assignments, and must be turned in ON TIME for credit. I will make written suggestions and corrections, and will mark them as follows:

MUY BIEN: "Good job; no major problems"
"Needs improvement; some serious problems"
"Not satisfactory; major problems, or incomplete"• You must talk to me about any assignments receiving "deficiente"

• Exams and final grade: Grades on exams and your final grade are based on the following scale:

  96% - 100% = A   77% - 79% = C+
  90% - 95% = A-   73% - 76% = C
  87% - 89% = B+   70% - 72% = C-
  83% - 86% = B   60% - 69% = D
  80% - 82% = B-   0% - 59% = F

• Distribution: Your performance will be evaluated according to the following categories:

• Participation (includes attendance)


• Homework and laboratory


• Chapter tests and quizzes


• Final exam


 • Conduct and Courtesy: A respectful and friendly classroom atmosphere is important for learning another language. Persistant disturbances (such as cell phones ringing, students talking during presentations, eating, or chewing gum) detract from that environment and are not allowed. Anticipate rest room needs before class, and let me know if you must leave the classroom early. One uses the usted form and the title of profesora to address the instructor in a Latin American classroom, and we will follow that custom.

• TUTORS: If you need additional review, if you have problems with new material, or if you merely want to practice with a Spanish-speaker, there are SAAB-sponsored Spanish tutors available through the Foreign Languages Department, free of charge. The tutors' phone numbers and hours of availability are posted on my HELP! link (top of this page), and on your weekly class assignment/syllabus page. YOU ARE IN CHARGE of arranging your appointments with them but I would be happy to help you with these arrangements if you'd like.

• Accommodations: If you have a disability that may impact your academic performance, you may request accommodations by contacting the Student Support Services Office (Albany 206; Support Services Webpage). That office will notify me of the accommodations for which you are eligible.

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Please come to see me during office hours for help with Spanish

or to discuss your academic program. 

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