
The project is designed to allow a more in-depth study in some area of your choice. You may choose either a lab or a paper. Below is a list of sample topics. Or select one of your own.

"lab" topics:
Style Sheets (4.8)
Frames (8)
Check boxes, radio buttons or pull-down menues (14)
"animated gifs" (PhotoShop)
animations with Flash
"paper" topics: (see the books I'll put on reserve)
Computers and Economy
Computers and Workplace
Computers and Social Interaction
Computers and Ethical and Legal Issues
Computers and Privacy
Computers and Technological Risks
Computers and International Issues
Computers and Philosophical Frontiers
If your project is a "lab", turn-in a hardcopy of your code.
Otherwise, I expect a small paper (2 to 5 pages). Please include a short bibliography. Use your textbook, books from the library and/ or sources from the web.
time table:
Mo 11/23: decide on your project
We 12/9: mini-presentation and deliverables due