Dept of Biology, Lewis and Clark College
Dr Kenneth Clifton
Biology 141 Lecture Outline

Marine ecosystems

Planet earth is dominated by water; it covers 71% of the earth's surface (roughly 61% of the northern hemisphere and 80% of the southern hemisphere)

Most of it is "salt water"

Organisms that live in water face a unique set of ecological challenges


Marine (salt water) and aquatic (generally, fresh water) ecosystems are linked... once again we see the importance of the hydrological cycle.


Today: talk about the oceans

The scale of oceanic systems is vast!!

The average depth is 4,000 m.

More than 84% is deeper than 2,000 m

The deepest part of the ocean (Marianas Trench) is nearly 11 km (6.8 miles!) below the surface.

At 36,000 feet, it would hold Mt. Everest (29,000 ft) with nearly two miles of water above!

Sunlight does not penetrate deeper than 1,000 m under the best of conditions

In general, the ocean is a deep, dark cold place (most temperatures < 4 °C).


Still, life abounds in the sea.... to understand marine diversity, you must understand the ocean

Physical characteristics of marine environments

Salinity (average of 35 ppt)... there is a latitudinal pattern based on evaporation and precipitation

Depth (0 to > 10000 m.... the Marianas Trench is 11,030 m deep.... almost 7 miles!)

What does this mean in terms of pressure?

Temperature - from below freezing (-1.9 °C) to >40 °C)

As in lakes and ponds in freshwater systems, the physics of thermoclines influences how water tends to stratify in oceans

Wave energy (how is is acquired... how is it released?)


Large scale (hemispheric gyres)

Small scale (upwelling)

Deep water, "thermohaline circulation" (oxygen, nutrient and "heat" transported across latitudes)


The transparancy of water is an important physical feature

Different wavelengths absorbed at different depths (red lost most rapidly)

The photic zone.... why is it important?

Water as a heat sink (it takes lots of energy to heat up water, but water holds heat relatively well)... think about this with a warming planet.

Oxygen is less concentrated in water than in air and is not distributed evenly in the water column (oxygen minimum layer at intermediate depths)

Other nutrients

Phosphate and Nitrate (increase with depth to about 1 km, then remain constant)


Primary producers

Marine algae (protists): browns, greens, and reds

Phytoplankton (e.g., diatoms, dinoflagellates)

Emphemeral benthic algae (diatoms and other simple algae)

turf algae

macroalgae (seaweeds and kelps)

sea grasses (true flowering plants)

Marine animal life reflects the process of evolution


Protozoans (e.g., foraminifera, radiolarians.... are they really animals? Some are autotrophic.)







Vertebrates (much less common)






Trophic relationships and biomass...

Why understanding the difference between standing crop and renewal rate is important!

Inverted trophic biomass pyramids can emerge if renewal by producers and harvest by consumers is very high

Remember the efficiency of energy transfer and how it differs between ectotherms and endotherms

Recall some important marine ecosystems (for review, see section 2.4 in your text for treatment of both freshwater and marine biomes)

Coral reefs

other tropical ecosystems include seagrass beds and mangroves

Temperate reefs (often rocky substrate rather than coral)

Rocky intertidal (the influence of the tides)

Open ocean (vast and somewhat empty, with concentrations of life that vary in space an time)

The deep ocean (cold, dark, and little food... a very slow pace to life)


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